What Are the Benefits of Using a Lymphedema Compression Pump?


For the three million plus sufferers of lymphedema, the benefits of a lymphedema compression pump are many. This is a condition that can severely limit or stop people from performing normal activities. Something as simple as walking from one room in their home to another can become nearly impossible due to swollen limbs and pain. Swelling of the limbs can result in the inability to move about freely in the manner which most people take for granted.

The Benefits

  • A lymphedema compression pump can be used on the arms and/or the legs. The sleeve is lightweight; therefore, it does not put weight on the affected limb, which can cause more pain. The pumps helps to reduce edema. How does it do this? It helps to move fluid away from the limb, essentially imitating the lymphatic system, which reduces swelling. The reduction in swelling helps to decrease pain.
  • The pump is equipped with a control panel that is easy to read and use. It is also very quiet and many users watch television or read while using the lymphedema compression pump. It is portable and may be taken along on vacation, family visits or anywhere else it is needed.
  • A large number of users find the pump promotes circulation, which is essential to wound healing. It can eliminate the need to make trips to a specialist – sometimes several times a week – to receive treatment. This amazing discovery has improved the quality of life for numerous people. There are a small number of other treatments that can be used to carry the fluid away from affected limbs and reduce swelling, but a lymphedema compression pump is preferred by more people because it is so easy to use and effective.
  • Another very beneficial aspect is affordability. Most insurance companies will cover the pump when it is deemed medically necessary. Generally all you need to submit to the insurance company is a letter from your doctor stating this fact.

Research Continues

Although the reason for primary lymphedema is not entirely known, surgery can be a cause of secondary lymphedema because damage occurs to the lymph system. Radiation, scar tissue, injury and infection are known causes. In addition to the problems caused by swelling, women have a hard time dealing with the image created by lymphedema. Their arm or leg may be quite enlarged due to the build up of fluid and they consider themselves unattractive.

Continuing research has also shown that although there are approximately 62 lymph nodes under the arm, only a few remove fluids. The emphasis now is on protecting the lymph nodes that are damaged by treatment in an effort to prevent lymphedema from occurring in this situation.

Research concerning lymphedema has been one of the major ways of helping people with this condition. The lymphedema compression pump was created only a few years ago, but has been immensely helpful. Another exciting find includes the use of a compression pump while lifting weights. Studies have shown this can be beneficial to women who were diagnosed with lymphedema after breast cancer surgery.



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