Germs On Door Knobs In Public Places


If you are concerned about your health and the health of your loved ones you are probably concerned about the potential germs on door knobs, especially in public places such as restrooms. You might be wondering what some of the hazards of germs on door knobs are and how you can avoid them. Here are a few types of bacteria that could be lingering on public door handles and tips to keeping harmful bacteria out of your home and away from you and your loved ones.

There are many kinds of harmful bacteria on public door handles. If you come in contact with an infected door handle, you could be at risk for becoming infected with whatever type of disease the handle is carrying. Disease like the cold and flu are commonly found on doors. However, there can also be more harmful bacteria that can cause serious health issues and illness such as meningitis and hepatitis A.

When you use public restrooms be sure to wash your hands with warm water and soap to avoid anything you may have picked up while using the restroom. Also, on your way out try and avoid touching the door handle, this could cause an increased risk of becoming contaminated with harmful bacteria again. For example, if you use the restroom at a local restaurant after you wash your hands you then touch the door knob on your way out. Then you go back to your table and your hands have close contact with the food you are consuming, as a result you may be at a high risk of becoming ill if there was any kind of infectious bacteria on the restrooms door handle. However, you can minimize the risk from touching the germs on door knobs on your way out of the restroom by keeping sanitizing wipes or solution with you to use after walking out of the restroom itself.

Washing your hands after coming home from being in public places can help minimize the amount of germs that are brought into your home and around your family. You should also sanitize the door handles around your house often, along with other common areas that are touched often such as faucets in the kitchen and the bathrooms and toilet handles. Keeping your hands clean might be one of the most beneficial things you can do to keep bacteria and germs away from you and your loved ones.




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