The Basic Formula Because the diets of so many adults lack so many essential nutrients, everyone should build their vita- nutrient programmes around certain nutritional basics. These general multivitamin formulas provide a foundation that specific vita-nutrients can enhance. In addition, increasing ordinary intake will in almost every instance bring the nutrient level closer to the optimal range. The result is an individualized health programme targeted for particular purposes.

The basics for everyone include that extra-broad multiple vitamin and mineral combination, plus the essential fatty acid capsules. You may also choose one of the hundreds of other basic formulas; just make sure the one you end up with is Similar to this formula, both in breadth and dosages. In the United States some provision must be made to compensate for the government regulation that limits the folic acid content of a multiple vitamin to a dangerously low level. For most people, extra folic acid should be included.


Daily Intake—Individual Doses

Natural beta-carotene       3,000-6,000 IU
Vitamin A                 1,500-3,000 IU
Vitamin Bj                30-60 mg
Vitamin B2                24-48 mg
Niacin                    15-30 mg
Niacinamide               30-60 mg
Pantothenic acid          75-150 mg
Pantethine                75-150 mg
Vitamin B6                30-60 mg
Folic acid                2,000-4,000 meg’
Pyridoxal-5-phosphate     6-12 mg
Biotin                    225-450 meg
Vitamin B,2               180-240 meg
Vitamin С                 500-1,000 mg
Vitamin D2                90-180 IU
Vitamin E                 150-300 IU


Daily Intake—Individual Doses (continued)

Copper                              600-1,200 meg
Magnesium                  50-100 mg
Calcium                    200-400 mgt
Choline                    300-600 mg
Inositol                   240-480 mg
PABA                       300-600 mg
Manganese                  12-24 mg
Zinc                       24-48 mg
Citrus bioflavonoids   450-600 mg
Chromium                   150-300 meg
Selenium                   120-240 meg
N-acetyl cysteine         60-120 mg
Molybdenum                 30-60 meg
Vanadyl sulfate            45-90 meg
Octacosanol                450-900 meg
Reduced glutathione   15-30 mg

Unless you are a woman who needs to shrink uterine fibroids, prevent breast cancer recurrences or deal with endometriosis or fibrocystic breasts, you should supplement your basic formula with enough folic acid to provide at least 3,000 meg (3 mg). This means taking four tablets of 800 meg each. If the above conditions need your attention, keep your supplemental folic acid below 600 meg. Note that for the purpose of making basic formulas less bulky, many manu-facturers provide less than a minimum daily requirement for calcium, as does this example. If you select such a formula and your dietary calcium intake is low, you should include a 500 mg calcium tablet, such as calcium carbonate, as part of your basic programme.

The other basic requirement for optimal health is the oil- based essential fats formula. For most of my patients I prescribe a combination of the three oils with the highest concentrations of the most needed essential fats. It was developed for the Targeted Nutrition product line and provides an equal mixture of borage oil (the richest source of the fatty acid GLA), fish oils (concentrated for EPA/DHA content) and flaxseed oil (a source for the essential fatty acids linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid). Each capsule contains 1,200 mg of the combination (400 mg of each), and I recommend at least three of them daily, even for healthy adults. As you read through the targeted protocols, you will see this referred to as the ‘essential oils formula’.

Several Other Descriptions

For beneficial bacteria supplements, I recommend an equal mixture of acidophilus and bifidobacterium, the two most important good bacteria for promoting digestive health. Bulgaricum may also be part of the mix in such a supplement.
I generally recommend V4-V2 teaspoon of such a powder in most applications. Should you not want to use a powder, you can use three to six capsules of a similarly blended formula. However, I find that the powdered versions are more effective.
A mixed fibre supplement refers to a blend of beneficial fibres such as oat bran, psyllium and rice bran. Remember that to maximize fibre benefits, you should consume a blend of fibres, not one single form.

Keep in mind that most pantethine supplements contain an equal mixture of pantethine and its relative pantothenic acid. When I suggest a certain amount of pantethine in a given treatment, this refers to the amount of both nutrients, assuming that half is pantethine.

The protocols that follow were created with the assumption that you will already be taking a basic multivitamin formula similar to the one I’ve just given. Nutrients found in the basic formulation are important for treating every ailment. Therefore, be sure that the following protocols are usually just an addition – not a replacement – to the basic formula you should already be taking. However, you should note that there are higher doses in the protocols than in the basic formula, so simply augment your intake to reach the higher doses for a nutrient. In other words, simply add the difference between the amount in your basic formula and the total listed for the condi- В Complex There are as many different В-complex formulas as there are all-purpose multivitamins, and I often prescribe them as a unit. Note that this will be listed simply as ‘B complex’ and will be referred to as ‘50 mg strength’, even though not all constituents are 50 mg (the body needs more of certain В vitamins than others; a perfectly ‘balanced’ formula is inappropriate). Following is a typical example of a В-complex formula found in most pharmacies or health food stores.
B1                         50 mg
B2                         25 mg
Niacin                     25 mg
Niacinamide                50 mg
B,                         50 mg
Pyridoxal-5-phosphate   2 mg
Pantothenic acid           50 mg
Folic acid                 400 meg*
B12                        100 meg
Biotin                     100 meg
РАВА                       50 mg*
Choline                    50 mg+
Inositol                   50 mg+

*  Inappropriately low essential nutrient. Needs to be supplemented to 2-3 mg daily. However, women who need to shrink uterine fibroids, prevent breast cancer recurrences, or deal with endometriosis or fibrocystic breasts should keep supplemental folic acid below 600 meg.
+ The usual dose that is included, but inappropriately low.


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