Simple Home Remedies for Yeast Infection in the Mouth


Oral yeast infection is often caused by the over-population in the mouth of the Candida albicans fungus. This yeast-like fungus inhabits our bodies as a matter of course, usually without any problems. But when the Candida gets a chance to proliferate then it causes the symptoms of yeast infection.

The fungus particularly enjoys the warm, moist, dark areas of the body, hence the high incidence of yeast infections in places like the vagina and the mouth. Such an infection in the mouth is often referred to as oral yeast infection or thrush (particularly used to describe such infections in babies).

Typical Causes of Candida Overgrowth

There are several reasons for the Candida fungi being able to overgrow including…

…taking too many antibiotics. Broad spectrum antibiotics can kill your body’s good bacteria (needed to keep the Candida fungi in check) as well as the bad bacteria it has been prescribed for.

…a compromised immune system means that your body is less able to deal with infections. The type of issues that can cause this are things like; an unhealthy diet, stress, and certain drugs such as immunosuppressants.

…too high blood sugar levels due to things like poor diet and poorly managed diabetes. Yeast feeds and grows on sugar.

…hormonal imbalances arising from things such as the overuse of steroids, for example, in certain inhalers.

…damaged tissue such as the mucous membranes in the mouth. For example, badly fitted dentures can cause such damage and these are places which can favour yeast growth.

Symptoms of Yeast Infection in the Mouth

The most obvious oral yeast infection symptom is white / creamy spots on the tongue and mucous membranes. These can appear distributed over the tongue but can also appear as a combined mass or coating over it. When the covering is scraped away you can often find bleeding tissue beneath. The symptoms can also include a burning sensation in the mouth and throat.


Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection in the Mouth

Mainstream treatment usually consists of antifungal drugs you take in the form of pastilles that slowly dissolve in the mouth, sprays or mouthwashes.

These are used to kill the fungi and can do this pretty effectively. But they are targeted at the symptoms so you need to do more to address the root causes if you want to prevent recurring oral infections.

The following are some things that you need to consider when remedying yeast infection in your mouth…

  1.  If badly fitted dentures are causing damage to your mucous membranes then you need to get them changed or adjusted.
  2. If you use a steroid inhaler talk to your doctor to see if there any alternatives. The same if you are on antibiotics. But what ever you do, do not stop taking or change any medication without discussing it with your doctor first.
  3. If your diet is too high in sugar, you will need to avoid all sugar and foods and products that have high sugar content. This includes avoiding refined carbohydrates since they produce sugar during the digestive process.
  4.  If you have diabetes it’s important that you manage it effectively.
  5. Build-up the good bacteria in your digestive tract by eating natural yogurt every day. Plain yogurt with no added sugar contains live, active cultures such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus which help to combat the yeast. Probiotics can help too.
  6.  Help to maintain an effective immune system through a healthy balanced diet, plenty of daily exercise, reducing stress in your life, getting to your ideal weight, reducing your alcohol consumption and stopping smoking if you can.

By adhering to these you lower your risk of suffering repeat yeast infections in your mouth, but remember to talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or current medication.



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